Why Trainonline?
- Over 100,000 White Cards issued across Australia
- Nationally recognised training
- WorkSafe Queensland Approved


6 Hours

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Group Booking
Important Notice – Please read before enroling
- Are you a resident of Queensland?
- Are you located at least 100 kilometres away from the nearest RTO offering face to face delivery? Please check your location here
If you answered YES to both questions please continue to book your course. Otherwise you must book your course with another RTO. No refund will be provided if you continue.
About the course
Before working on any construction site in Queensland, you must have successfully completed the Construction Induction Course also known as White Card.
The course covers information such as responsibilities on a construction site, common hazards, emergencies and PPE.
The card you receive is nationally recognised meaning if you are working on a construction site in across Australia you will be able to use your Queensland White Card
Course outline
The Construction White Card is based on the unit of competency CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry. You will cover the following topics:
- Identify health and safety legislative requirements of construction work
- Identify construction hazards and risk control measures
- Identify health and safety communication and reporting processes
- Identify incident and emergency response procedures
Before you enrol
- Ensure you are a resident of Queensland and live/work 100km away from an RTO which delivers face to face training
- Make sure you have the appropriate PPE – hard hat, eye protection, ear muffs/plugs and safety vest
- Reliable internet connection and device with microphone and camera such as smart phone, tablet or laptop
After sucessfuly completing the assessment you will recieve:
- Statement of Attainment for CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
- WHSQ Construction Induction White Card